
 Rules and Regulations

The following rules and regulations have been adopted by the Mountain River East Condominium Association to govern the overall conduct of everyone using the complex. It is incumbent upon every unit owner to discuss these rules and regulations with their families, guests, and anyone leasing their unit. This is a private community in which everyone shares responsibility for its continued success. Unit owners should maintain a copy of these instructions on-site for easy reference.

1  Administrative

1.1  Owner Liability
Each owner shall be liable for the expenses of all maintenance, repair or replacement rendered necessary by his acts, neglect or carelessness, or the act, neglect or carelessness of any member of his family or his tenants, guests, employees, agents or invitees.

1.2  Assessment of Fines
Owners may be fined for violation of any rule or regulation described within this document. Fines will be assessed at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors. Identification of the responsible owner will be the sole responsibility of the Board of Directors.

2  Leasing

2.1  Leasing Application
Rentals for less than 30 days are prohibited by the Mountain River East Declaration. Prior to leasing, or allowing use of,  any unit for more than a 30 day period, the owner must submit a leasing application to the Management Company and the leasing application must be approved by the Board of Directors. Family members are exempt. Any lease/use without an approved leasing application will result in the eviction of the occupant of the unit and fines assessed to the unit owner.

2.2  Falsification of Information
Leasing applications containing falsified information will not be approved by the Board of Directors. If it is determined that false information has been provided after the lease/use period has started, the occupant of the unit will be evicted.

2.3  Pets
No lessee/user shall be allowed to have any pets without prior written approval of the Board of Directors.

2.4  Firewood for Leased Units
The unit owner must ensure that leased/used units have an adequate supply of firewood at all times during the winter months. If a leased/used unit’s wood bin is empty between November 1 and March 31, the Association will fill the bin and bill the owner directly.

2.5  Parking
No more than 2 vehicles are allowed per leased/used unit. No commercial vehicles allowed.

2.6  Exclusive Use of Facilities by the Lessee
Owners of leased/used units are prohibited from the use of MRE facilities (parking, pool, grounds, trash, etc…) for the entire lease period. This prohibition does not apply to owners who are engaging in normal landlord activities (property inspection, repairs, etc…) provided the use of the facilities is consistent with those activities.

2.7  Exclusive Use of the Unit by the Lessee
The leased/used unit is to be occupied exclusively by the Lessee/user for the entire Term of the Lease. If the Lessee/user does not occupy the unit for any portion of the Term of the Lease, the unit WILL NOT BE OCCUPIED or used for any other purpose including, but not limited to, another lease or ordinary use by the owner or owner’s family.

3  Dogs

3.1  Permission
No dog shall be allowed anywhere at Mountain River East unless permission for the dog has been granted in writing by the Board of Directors for the time period that the dog is on the Mountain River East property.

3.2  Leashes Mandatory
All dogs must be leashed at all times when in the Common or Limited Common area at Mountain River East except when the dog is on a balcony deck, inside a vehicle, or in the designated “Off-Leash” area.

3.3  Off-Leash Area
The “Front Field” located south of Mountain River East Road at the entrance to the complex is the designated “Off-Leash” area.  Dogs must be under control (verbal command and/or electronic collar) while in this area.  While leashes are not required in this area, all other rules (collars, cleanup, nuisances, damage to grass, etc…) remain in effect.
Off-Leash Area
Dogs must be leashed on the way to, and returning from, the Off-Leash Area

3.4  Definition of “Leash”
A leash is: “a piece of rope, chain, etc… that is used for holding a dog”.
A leash is not:
● An electric or electronic collar.
● Voice commands.
● Any other means of control that does not include a physical and binding connection of the dog to a person or stationary object.

3.5  Definition of “Leashed”
A dog is only considered leashed when it has a leash attached and the leash is either held by a person or is tethered to a stationary object. An unrestrained dog that happens to have a leash attached to it is NOT considered leashed.

3.6  Tethering
Dogs may be tethered to a stationary object in the Common or Limited Common area only while in the immediate presence of a supervising adult. Tethering an unsupervised dog in the Common or Limited Common area is prohibited.

3.7  Collars
All dogs must wear a collar at all times. The collar must have an identifying tag attached to it that clearly displays (at a minimum):
The dog’s name.
●  The owner’s name.
●  The owner’s phone number.

3.8  Nuisances and Disturbances
No dog shall be allowed to become a nuisance or create any unreasonable disturbance.
Examples of nuisance behavior are:
A dog whose unruly behavior causes personal injury or property damage.
●  A dog unleashed in the Common or Limited Common area (unless on a deck                   or inside a vehicle).
●  A dog who makes noise continuously and/or incessantly for a period of 10                       minutes or intermittently for 2 hours or more to the disturbance of any                             person at any time of day or night.
●  A dog who exhibits aggressive or other dangerous or potentially dangerous                     behavior.
●  A dog who is conspicuously unclean or parasite infested.

Dogs that are known or demonstrated nuisances to the owners may be required to wear a muzzle at the direction of the Board.

3.9  Walking
Dogs must be “walked” along Mountain River East Road to avoid having dogs relieving themselves in close proximity to residents on balconies or patios.

3.10  Cleanup
Dog droppings must be picked up and bagged immediately. Bags containing dog droppings must be disposed of immediately in the dumpster.

3.11  Damage to Grass
Dogs must not be allowed to urinate repeatedly in the same locations causing damage to the grass in those locations.

4  Trash

4.1  Allowed Materials
Only ordinary household trash may be placed in the dumpster.

4.2  Prohibited Materials
Disposal of construction waste, lumber, carpeting, furniture, grills, appliances, and/or other large objects in or beside the dumpster is absolutely prohibited under any circumstances.  Owners who wish to dispose of any of these items should contact the management company for assistance.

4.3  Condense Trash and Fill From the Rear
ALL boxes must be flattened before being placed in the dumpster. Crushing cans, milk bottles, and detergent bottles will also save space in the dumpster. Whenever possible, throw trash to the rear of the dumpster to keep the door areas clear for the next person.

5  Fire Safety

5.1  Fire Extinguishers
Each unit must have at least one working fire extinguisher readily available. Type 5 or 10 ABC recommended.

5.2  Grills
Hibachis, gas-fired grills, and charcoal grills are not permitted on balconies. Hibachis, gas-fired grills, and charcoal grills must be at least 10 feet away from the building when in use. Electric grills are permitted on balconies and patios.

5.3  Open Fires
Open fires are prohibited on the condominium property without written consent of the Board of Directors. This includes wood burning outdoor fireplaces, wood burning fire pits, Chimeneas, or other such apparatus. Propane heating devices are allowed provided that they are not used directly under an overhang and are at least 10 feet away from the building.

5.4  Smoke Detectors
Unit owners must ensure that all smoke detectors are operational at all times.

5.5  Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Each unit must have carbon monoxide detectors installed outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate area of the bedrooms. Unit Owners must ensure that all carbon monoxide detectors are operational at all times.

5.6  Flammable Liquids
The use of any flammable liquid to start a fire in the fireplace is absolutely prohibited under any circumstances.

5.7  Use of Fireplaces
Continuous use of fireplaces and/or the use of the fireplace as a primary heating source is prohibited. Such use is beyond the design specification of the fireplace and constitutes a fire hazard.

5.8  Ash Disposal
All fireplace ashes, wood/pellet stove ashes, and smoking materials must be disposed of in the metal ash barrels outside of each building. Disposal of ashes in either dumpster is absolutely prohibited under any circumstances.

5.9  Ash Barrels
The ash barrels are not trash cans – they are to be used only for ashes and burned logs. Disposing of trash in ash barrels constitutes a fire hazard.

5.10  Fireworks
Setting off fireworks within 250 feet of any building on the condominium property is prohibited. No fireworks may be set off anywhere on the condominium property between 10 PM and 10 AM.

5.11  Fireworks Cleanup
All fireworks refuse must be cleaned up within 12 hours. This includes bags, boxes, packaging, matches, candles, and spent fireworks (paper, fuses, cardboard cartridges, etc…). Unit owners will be assessed a charge for any fireworks refuse left on the condominium property.

5.12  Wood, pellet, gas stoves/fireplaces and kerosene heaters
Wood, pellet, gas stoves/fireplaces as well as kerosene heaters must be inspected and serviced annually by a licensed professional. Unit owners must provide the Association with written certification that the equipment meets all fire and safety codes prior to operating the equipment during the heating season.

6  Pool

6.1  Exclusive Use
The pool is reserved for the exclusive day use of residents (including lessees) only. Guests of residents must be accompanied by residents at all times.

6.2  Day Use
The pool is a day-use facility – all personal belongings must be removed at the end of each day. The Association is not responsible for any personal belongings left in the pool area overnight.

6.3  Glass
Drinking glasses and glass bottles are not permitted within the fenced-in pool area.

6.4  Hours
The pool is open from 8 AM to 11 PM seven days a week from the Saturday before Memorial Day until Labor Day. The pool will be considered closed at all other times.

6.5  Children
Children under the age of 14 are not allowed in the pool area unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.

6.6  Conduct
Loud or obnoxious behavior, profanity, or any other poor conduct will not be tolerated in the pool area.

6.7  Waterfall Rocks
Climbing on to and/or diving off of the waterfall area rocks is prohibited.

6.8  Pets
No pets are allowed in the pool area at any time.

6.9  Noise
Excessive noise (radios, yelling, etc…) is not permitted in the pool area after 10 PM.

6.10  Pool House
The pool house is off limits to all residents, lessees, and guests.

6.11  Accessories
The skimmer and other pool maintenance tools are to be used for pool cleaning only. Any damage resulting from the improper use of these items will be assessed to the unit owner.

6.12 No Smoking
Smoking is prohibited inside of the pool area fence.

6.13 Maintenance
The pool is closed to residents and guests during cleaning and maintenance. Residents and guests are not allowed in the pool area during cleaning and maintenance.

7  Heat and Water

7.1  Minimum Winter Temperature
A minimum temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit must be maintained in bathrooms and kitchens between November 1 and March 31.

7.2  Pipes
Cabinet doors under sinks must be left open whenever a unit is not occupied between November 1 and March 31.

7.3  Water
The main water valve must be shut off and all faucets opened whenever a unit is not occupied between November 1 and March 31.

7.4  Water Heaters
Water heaters must be replaced at owner’s expense at the end of the manufacturer’s warranty. If warranty information is unavailable, then the replacement date is no later than 10 years after the installation date.

8  Parking

8.1  Designated Parking Areas
Parking is restricted to designated parking areas only. Parking on the lawns and/or alongside buildings is prohibited without written approval from the Board of Directors.

8.2  Clear Access for Emergency Equipment
Parking in areas that may interfere with Fire trucks, ambulances, or other emergency equipment is prohibited.

8.3  Owner Access
Occupants must allow one space for each unit owner near his/her entrance along the building side of the parking area.

8.4  Additional Vehicles
Additional vehicles for each unit should be parked in areas away from the building to allow all unit owners to have at least one parking space near the building.

8.5  Unregistered Vehicles
No unregistered vehicles shall be allowed on the condominium property at any time.

8.6  Pavement Damage
Any damage to pavement resulting from a leaking vehicle, motorcycle kick-stands, or other vehicle mechanical issues will be assessed to the unit owner responsible for the vehicle. Leaking vehicles must be removed immediately and may not be returned to the condominium property until the leak has been completely repaired.

8.7  Commercial Vehicles
Long term (over 14 days) parking of commercial vehicles is prohibited.

8.8  Trailers, Campers, RVs
Long term (over 14 days) parking of trailers, campers, or RVs is prohibited.

9  Wood Storage

9.1  Storage Locations
All wood is to be stored in wood bins or inside garages. Wood may not be stored on patios, balconies, or anywhere else around the buildings.

9.2  Use of Wood Bins
Wood bins are to be used for the storage of split cord wood logs only. Placement or storage of other items and/or material in wood bins is prohibited.

9.3  Ownership
All wood is the private property of the unit owner and wood bins are numbered accordingly. No wood may be taken from any wood bin without the permission of the unit owner.

10  Snow Removal

10.1  Hours of Operation
Snow removal operations may be conducted at any time anywhere on the condominium property. Residents must not interfere with or inhibit snow removal operations for any reason.

10.2  Cleared Paths
Residents must not obstruct cleared paths around buildings with vehicles, snow machines, or any other items at any time.

10.3  Clearing Parking Lots

●  A snowstorm is considered ended when the snow has stopped accumulating and the management company has cleared the unused portions of parking lots.
●  Residents must move all vehicles to a cleared area within 6 hours after the storm has ended.
●  If the storm ends overnight between 8PM and 6AM, residents must move all vehicles before the following noontime.
●  The Association will assess a fine of $50 per vehicle for each vehicle not moved within the required timeframe. The BOD may authorize towing, at the owners expense, for cars not moved within 24 hours of storm completion.

11  Snow Machines

11.1  Recreational Use
Recreational use of snow machines is not allowed within 500 feet of any building on the condominium property.

11.2  Parking Areas
Operation of snow machines to and from parking areas is allowed provided that the operators proceed slowly and do not disturb residents.

12  Balconies

12.1  Towels
Drying of towels on balconies is permitted, however owners are responsible for removing the towels from the balcony as soon as possible once dried.

12.2  Decorations
Decorations (signs, banners, flags, lights, etc…) are prohibited on balconies.

13  Tennis Courts

13.1  Exclusive Use
Tennis Courts are reserved for the exclusive use of residents (including lessees) only. Guests of residents must be accompanied by residents at all times.

13.2  Footwear
Proper tennis court footwear must be worn on the tennis courts. Damage to the court surface caused by inappropriate footwear will be assessed to the responsible unit owner.

13.3  Bare Feet
Barefoot playing is not allowed on the tennis courts.

13.4  Court Use
The tennis courts are for tennis and pickleball playing only. Residents and guests should walk around rather than through the tennis court area. Activities other than tennis and pickleball are prohibited in the tennis court area.

13.5  Pets
No pets are allowed in the tennis court area at any time.

13.6  Fireworks
No fireworks are allowed in the tennis court area at any time.

13.7  Court Access
During periods of continuous activity, play is limited to a maximum of 1 hour per group at which time the next group in line may take the court.

13.8  Doors
The doors on each end of the tennis court area shall remain closed at all times.

14  Repairs and Renovations

14.1  Liability and Workers Compensation Insurance
Contractors performing any repairs or renovations to units at Mountain River East must provide a certificate of liability insurance with proof of coverage for at least $1,000,000 (One Million Dollars) per incident. Additionally, contractors must also provide proof of workers compensation insurance. It is the unit owner’s responsibility to provide this information to the Association before construction begins. Contractors are prohibited from performing any work at Mountain River East until all insurance information has been provided to, and accepted by, the Association.

14.2  Association Standards
Contractors performing repairs or renovations that affect the Common Area and/or Limited Common Area must coordinate with the Management Company before beginning construction to review and agree on Association Standards. Such repairs include, but are not necessarily limited to, replacement of doors, windows, skylights, sliding doors, and storm doors. Unit owners are ultimately responsible for ensuring that all Association Standards are met. Any costs associated with failures to adhere to Association Standards will be assessed to the unit owner.

15  Drones

15.1  Permission
No drones shall be flown by community members anywhere at Mountain River East unless permission for the drone has been granted in writing by the Board of Directors. Note: The power company easement allows inspection of their lines which they often do with drones over our property.

15.2  No-fly zone
Drones are not to be flown over the pool or close to the buildings.

15.3  Application
Applicants will send a letter application to the management company including the following:

  1. Purpose of drone use
  2. Make, model, size and weight of drone
  3. Times drone will be used
  4. Proof of insurance that covers drone activity including statement from insurer indicating drones are covered in the policy
  5. Evidence that the drone is registered with the FAA (if applicable)
  6. Signature of document stating that the drone user agrees that the association will hold owners responsible for any damage created with the drone use

BOD Approved
June 2024